ROBOVEDA'13, SreeNidhi Institute of Science and Technology SNIST, Hyderabad, Telangana, 16th - 18th August 2013

Registrations Closed
View Event Website Poster Link
Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
16th August 2013
End Date :
18th August 2013
Location :
Hyderabad, Telangana
Organizer :
SreeNidhi Institute of Science and Technology SNIST
Category :

About Event



The fest consists of 14 exciting events.. 1.Lakshmanrekha (Line following robot) 2.Vistaar (Robotic arm) 3.Yoddha (Warrior robot) 4.Vidyutheen (Non electrified robot) 5.Jaladhmaatra (Marine shooting robot) 6.Goalaa (Soccer player robot) 7.Sarvaagami (All terrain robot) 8.Drishti (Image processing robot) 9.Parishkaar (Solution for social welfare issues) 10.Niyantrana (Accelerometer controlled robot) 11.Gati (Racing robot) 12.Samvedana (Coordinating robot) 13.RanaVeera (Robowars) 14.Paper Presentations


CSE ECE IT EEE Instrumentation Mechanical Civil Chemical Industrial BioTechnology

How to reach SreeNidhi Institute of Science and Technology SNIST, Hyderabad

On behalf of the entire Roboveda team, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you. Transportation will be provided at all the nodal points. If you are an outstation participant as your train arrives at the railway station, please find ROBOVEDA volunteers in the station who will escort you to the college or the hostel. It is advised to be in contact with the hospitality coordinator through phone who will assist you at any time. Regarding further details please visit the roboveda website.

Related Links:

Technical Fests Technical Fests in Telangana Technical Fests in Hyderabad Workshops Workshops in Telangana Workshops in Hyderabad Hyderabad Telangana SreeNidhi Institute of Science and Technology SNIST ROBOVEDA'13