MANIA 20, Institute of Management Kerala, Management Fest, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 17th - 18th February 2020

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
17th February 2020
End Date :
18th February 2020
Location :
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Organizer :
Institute of Management Kerala
Category :
Management Fest

About Event

MANIA is the annual national management fest organized by the students of Institute of management in Kerala (IMK), the MBA department of University of Kerala. It represents a gathering point for management students in India as corporate heads and intellects adjudicate over events dealing with leading burning issues. Competitive events range across marketing, operations, human resources, social responsibility and entrepreneurship .Mania helps to bring out the young budding talents and it provides a platform to learn management practice in real life through various set of competitions and interactive session usually themed on current issues. Plan do check act, where the action gives us result and so the acronym of

“MANagers In Action” is MANIA. All we need is Managers in action.

Mania over the years has been associated with many core ideas and the current edition is themed as “ESPRIT DE CORPS”.


1)National Seminar.
2)Best Manager
3)Best management team
4)Business Plan
5)Treasure Hunt.
6)Business Quiz.
7)Finance Auction
8)Spot photography
10) Football
11)Online events

Event Caption

Managers in action

Event Theme

Esprit De Corps


CSE ECE IT EEE Civil Chemical Agricultural Medical Pharmacy Arts BioTechnology MBA MCA Commerce Law BioMedical Mechanics Aeronautical Aerospace Design Fashion Media BBA

Related Links:

MANIA 20 Institute of Management Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Kerala February 2020 Cultural Fests Cultural Fests in Thiruvananthapuram 2020 Cultural Fests in Kerala Management Fests Management Fests in Thiruvananthapuram 2020 Management Fests in Kerala Sports Fests Sports Fests in Thiruvana