Markathon 2021, IIT Madras, Youth Conclave, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 6th - 10th February 2021

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
6th February 2021
End Date :
10th February 2021
Location :
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
IIT Madras
Category :
Youth Conclave
Markathon 2021

About Event

Youth Conclave of E-Summit 2021 is a multi-faceted confluence of engaging competitive and networking events that help an individual unlock their latent potential and skills in business and entrepreneurship.
It is envisioned to promote entrepreneurial spirit and aptitude amongst the next generation of graduates hence paving the way for these young leaders to ride the wave of change in the careers they undertake.


“Good marketing makes the company look smart, Great marketing makes the customers feel smart.” Marketing is something that is found in every aspect of the business, it fuels both the external and internal activities of the business today. To foster this accent of marketing, Youth Conclave 2021 presents Markathon, as an attempt to identify, usher and appreciate the innovative minds which hold the future of marketing.

It is a mega-marketing fest that entails a journey beginning from creating a viral video ad to envisioning a real marketing campaign for a company/startup.
Anybody with the zeal to understand the power of marketing can participate, as long as you are registered.
Participants are supposed to register in teams of 1 to 3. If you do not have enough team members and wish to team up with other participants, we can team you up.


Marketing Workshop:
The shortlisted entries from the first round will get to attend a marketing and pitching workshop with a Marketing Expert from a prominent company, on the topic “Marketing 101”.

Event Theme

Learn Promote Thrive


CSE ECE IT EEE Energy Arts MBA MCA Commerce Law Media BBA

Related Links:

Markathon 2021 IIT Madras IITs Chennai Tamil Nadu February 2021 Online Events Online Events in Chennai 2021 Entrepreneurship Summit Events Entrepreneurship Summit Events in Chennai 2021 Conclaves Conclaves in Chennai 2021

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