A Pre - Conference Workshop on Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology 2020, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 25th - 26th February 2020

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
25th February 2020
End Date :
26th February 2020
Location :
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
SSN College of Engineering
Category :
A Pre - Conference Workshop on Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology 2020

About Event

We are witnessing the big shifts in biomedical and healthcare research space brought by the synergy of life, physical, and engineering sciences. These shifts are the result of the convergence research model leveraged by highly multidisciplinary technologies that involve micro-and nanotechnology, biotechnology, computation, advanced materials and manufacturing systems. All these reshape both academic and industrial involvement directed at development of proactive health systems that enable higher quality of life and well being. Rehabilitation
engineering is a new and rapidly developing speciality of medical engineering; with the unique goal of directing advances in technology towards enhancing the lives of physically challenged individuals. Rehabilitation engineering is the use of engineering principles to 
1) Develop technological solutions and devices to assist individuals with disabilities and
2) Aid the recovery of physical and cognitive functions lost because of disease or injury.
Rehabilitation engineering may involve relatively simple observations of how individuals perform tasks, and making accommodations to eliminate further injuries and discomfort. On the other end of the spectrum, rehabilitation engineering includes sophisticated brain computer interfaces that allow a severely disabled individual to operate computers and other devices simply by thinking about the task they want to perform. Rehabilitation engineers design and build devices and systems to meet a wide range of needs that can assist individuals with
mobility, communication, hearing, vision and cognition. Rehabilitation engineers also improve upon standard rehabilitation methods to regain functions lost due to congenital disorders, disease (such as stroke or joint replacement) or injury (such as limb loss) to restore mobility. Some of these patients might have cerebral palsy or Parkinson’s disease, have suffered a stroke or head trauma or be recovering from a spine injury. Since much of the work in this area is focused on neurological conditions and physical function, solutions rely heavily
on neural, bio-mechanics and bio robotics. These techniques help people with day-to-day activities related to employment, independent living and education. The goal of this workshop is to explore these challenges through practical and buildable solutions. Also, it offers more than a glimpse into the future of healthcare-it provides a roadmap to help shape thinking about the next generation of Rehabilitation Engineering systems. 


A Pre - Conference
workshop on

PPT Topics

• Overview of Rehabilitation in the perspective of Biomedical Engineering
• Human kinetics and kinesiology
• Orthosis design for cerebral palsy children
• Cochlear implant technology and its clinical relevance
• TMS and TDCS in various neurological rehabilitation
• Sports medicine in rehabilitation
• TENS as rehabilitative device for diabetic neuropathy
• Demo on upper and lower limb rehabilitation using Datalite systems
• Demo on Neuro controlled hand exoskeleton
• Demo on Chin up , lower limb orthosis , knee braces .

Event Guests

Dr.S.Su n d e r
M e d i c a l Dir e c t o r,
P r e m Ce n t e r f o r P h y s i o t h e r a p y a n d
R e h a b i l i t a t i o n M e d i c i n e , Ch e n n a i .
Dr.N.Su r e s h Ku m a r
S c i e n t i s t ,
S h o e & P r o d u c t De s i g n Ce n t r e , CL R I ,
Ch e n n a i .
M r.R.Ra n j i t h
P ri n c i p a l a n d Ch i e f A u d i o l o g i s t , M E R F I n s t i t u t e o f S p e e c h a n d He a ri n g ,
Ch e n n a i
M r.Vi v e k M i s h r a
Cl i n i c a l Ne u r o s c i e n t i s t , Ne u r o k ri s h Co n s u l t i n g P v t . L t d ,
Ch e n n a i .
Dr.Ab i n e y a Ve n k a t e s h
S p o r t s M e d i c i n e Co n s u l t a n t , Ch e n n a i .
Dr. Ba s h e e r Ah a m e d Gu l a m
Or t h o p e d i c S u r g e o n ,
A m e ri c a n M i s s i o n Ho s p i t a l , B e h a r a i n .
M r. P .K.Ka v ir a j
A r e a M a n a g e r, M e d i A n a l ytika India Pvt . Ltd , Chen na i .
M r. Si d d h a r t h Nair
F o u n d e r, Xfi n i t o B i o d e s i g n s , B a n g a l o r e


ECE Instrumentation Medical BioMedical

Related Links:

A Pre - Conference Workshop on Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology 2020 SSN College of Engineering Chennai Tamil Nadu February 2020 Workshops Workshops in Chennai 2020 Workshops in Tamil Nadu