National Seminar on "Data Mining in Bioinformatics and Healthcare Informatics", PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 18th - 19th August 2016

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
18th August 2016
End Date :
19th August 2016
Location :
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
PSG College of Technology
Category :
National Seminar on "Data Mining in Bioinformatics and Healthcare Informatics"

About Event

Bioinformatics and biomedical research works are the current needs to be used in biological systems, impacting the science and technology fields ranging from basic science to pharmaceutical and clinical sciences. This area is multidisciplinary including physics, computer science, statistics, engineering, life sciences and medical sciences.
Bioinformatics makes use of large-scale biological data to understand the mechanism of biological systems and to show their usefulness in the diagnosis and drug design for complex diseases. Computational modeling has also played a critical role in biomedical research at different levels, from molecule behavior, cell–cell interaction, cell proliferation, signal transduction, to tissue and organ development.
Health Informatics is a combination of information science and computer science within the realm of healthcare. There are numerous current areas of research within the field of Health Informatics, including Bioinformatics, Image Informatics etc. This seminar focuses on the usage of Data Mining tools and approaches for the analysis of Health Informatics data gathered at multiple levels.


National Seminar on Datamining in Bioinformatics and Healthcare Informatics DMB&HCI



How to reach PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

PSG College of Technology
Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641 004
Mobile: 8220267291

Related Links:

Seminars Seminars in Tamil Nadu Seminars in Coimbatore Coimbatore Tamil Nadu PSG College of Technology National Seminar on "Data Mining in Bioinformatics and Healthcare Informatics"