Advancements in Electrical, Electronics and Communications, Dr YS Rajasekhar Reddy Institute of Engineering and Technology, International Conference, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, 21st June 2014

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
21st June 2014
End Date :
21st June 2014
Location :
Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh
Organizer :
Dr YS Rajasekhar Reddy Institute of Engineering and Technology
Category :
International Conference
Advancements in Electrical, Electronics and Communications

About Event

Conference Details: Aim of the Conference The Conference aims at providing A meeting ground for peer people from all parts of the world A chance for participants to exhibit their creativity and research capabilities An opportunity for exploring possibility of collaborative research, student and faculty Exchange A forum for exchanging Information, developments and progress in other countries A catalyst to gain connections and build networks globally Objectives of the Conference Develop a forum towards smart, sustainable and secured technology Promote the development of a supportive community of experts and a spirit of collaborative research Provide a supportive setting for feedback on current research and guidance on future research directions To strengthen Industry-Institute interaction ties and lay foundation for engineering a better world Who can participate? Experts/practicing engineers from industry, scientists, faculty members, research scholars and UG/PG students are invited to present their original work in the conference. The paper must not have been presented elsewhere. The authors are requested to check for plagiarism before the submission of papers. Similar rules apply to poster presentations also. Registration Details Industry/R & D participants: Rs. 1000 Academic institution participants: Rs. 900 PG students/Research Scholars: Rs. 800


CSE ECE IT EEE Instrumentation Telecommunication

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Conferences Conferences in Andhra Pradesh Conferences in Kadapa Kadapa Andhra Pradesh Dr YS Rajasekhar Reddy Institute of Engineering and Technology Advancements in Electrical Electronics and Communications

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