Call for duty 2018, PSG College of Technology, Robotics Competition, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 13th - 14th October 2018

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
13th October 2018
End Date :
14th October 2018
Location :
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
PSG College of Technology
Category :
Robotics Competition
Call for duty 2018

About Event

This event specifies the eventual characteristics tasks done by robot during any natural disaster. In this event the main task revolves around pick and place. The robot must be able to do all the desired tasks such as picking, transportation, flexible movement, placing in the desired position and especially self-control movement.
Size of the bot must not exceed the specifications.
For the first time the bot crosses any obstacle points will be awarded (min 5 , max 15 points)
During the game human touch on the bot is restricted in case it leads to negative points.
The bot must not damage the arena.
The bot must not pin the opponent bot.
The players are directed to bring their required equipment for adjusting, repairing, etc of the bot. (NO TOOLS WILL BE PROVIDED).

Crossing uneven terrain +5 points (once).
Arena damage -3 points (each time).
Hitting opponent bot -5 points (each time).
Human touch -3 points (each time).
Bot moving out or human in the arena -5 points (each time).

(300 * 300) cm bounded arena.
Obstacles and objects of the play will be inside the arena.
Cubes of dimension (13 cm).
Balls of diameter (8 cm).
Tubes of diameter (20*20*10)cm , (20*20*20*)cm , (20*20*30)cm.
Ramp (30o slope).
Wall (5 cm).

It must be a (30 * 30 * 40 )cm robot.
Battery must be on bot.
Maximum voltage for working of the bot must not exceed 12V.

“Oh! No there is a huge storm we need a robot to build the shelter for us”
In this round, each team will be provided with six cubes placed on the arena. The robot must move through an uneven terrain and pick the cubes. It must place the cubes in their field area, three in the base and stack two in the middle and one at the top. It appears like a pyramid.

Cube placed in base +5 points (each).
Cubes in the middle +10 points (each).
Cube in the top +15 points.
“We now need a courageous fighter to safely deliver the food to the people”
In this round, the robot's first task is to pick the ball and move on a balancing bridge (seesaw) and reach the other side, on the other side there will be a random arrangement of marble balls. The robot has to make a travel on it to reach the final task of the round. The final task is that the robot must place the provided ball on the circle.
Crossing the seesaw +5 points.
Crossing the marble balls +10 points.
Placing the ball inside the circle +5 points.
“Rebuild and store for the survival!”
The final round is that, the robot has to complete the ramp and travel on it. The participants will be provided with cubes on the arena, robot has to first fill the ramp by placing the cube in the vacant space. Then, the robot must pick the ball provided and travel on the ramp. On its way down, it should overcome small projections on the ramp. Then the robot must be able to put the ball on tubes of height 10cm, 20cm and 30cm provided.
Cubes placed to complete the ramp +10 points (each).
Placing the balls in small tower +5 points (each).
Placing the balls in medium tower +10 points (each).
Placing the balls in tall tower +15 points (each).

Prize money Expected:
1ST PRIZE - INR 7500
2ND PRIZE - INR 5000
3RD PRIZE - INR 2500


Bot events

Event Caption

Survival for the fittest

Event Theme

The bot has to do the desired tasks



How to reach PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Psg college of technology
Tamil Nadu

Related Links:

Call for duty 2018 PSG College of Technology Coimbatore Tamil Nadu October 2018 Technical Fests Technical Fests in Tamil Nadu Technical Fests in Coimbatore