Crazy Symbols 2018, PSG College of Technology, Dumb Charades, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 13th - 14th October 2018

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
13th October 2018
End Date :
14th October 2018
Location :
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
PSG College of Technology
Category :
Dumb Charades
Crazy Symbols 2018

About Event

Fond of acting with perfect facial expression, then the stage is all set with the act of dumb charades. A fun filled event that enthralls the audience with expressions and the act one performs.


In this round, a set of emojis are displayed to one of the participants for 30 seconds. He/she should remember those emojis and act accordingly so that the other participant identifies the emoji within the given time frame. If in case any tie occurs, the participants will be requested to repeat the same task with different set of emojis and reduced time limit.
The participants are given a set of questions related to finding the relationship names. They are allowed to answer the questions for 15 minutes. In these set of questions, each question contains clue that leads to the answer (can be made use of, if the answer is not known to the participant).

In this round, different logos are displayed on the screen for 1 minute.The participants are expected to identify the logos without any clues.If they guessed the answer, they should verify it with the nearby volunteer.Or else, they can make use of the 3 clues, each of which are displayed for 45 seconds.Points are given based on the number of clues taken by the participants to find the right answer.

Event Caption

Fun filled event



How to reach PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

PSG college of Technology,
Avinashi Rd, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641004

Related Links:

Crazy Symbols 2018 PSG College of Technology Coimbatore Tamil Nadu October 2018 Cultural Fests Cultural Fests in Tamil Nadu Cultural Fests in Coimbatore