Sixth National Conference on Technological advancements in Power Systems and Power Electronics Engineering TAPSPEE 2017, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 13th April 2017

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
13th April 2017
End Date :
13th April 2017
Location :
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
Easwari Engineering College
Category :
National Conference
Sixth National Conference on Technological advancements in Power Systems and Power Electronics Engineering TAPSPEE 2017

About Event

The National conference a i m s at providing a common
platform across the stake holders in power industry,
professional, academicians, researchers and industrialists to
share their knowledge and ideas in the areas of power system
and power electronics, to create a synergy among power
professionals. It will provide motivation to teachers to pursue
their research works in relevant fields. It also provides a forum
for industry institute cooperation which will helps in identifying
emerging areas and developing new applications and improve
the curriculum development process and quality of teaching.
Topics and areas to be presented at the conference are listed
below. Both industrial and academic contributions are invited.

 Challenges in deregulated Power Systems
 Smart Grid, Smart Metering
 Renewable Energy Sources
 Artificial Intelligence Applications to power Systems
 Power Electronics
 DSP / Embedded systems for Electrical Drives
 Intelligent controllers and drives
 FACTS / HVDC Devices‐Modeling and Application
 VLSI in Power Electronics
 Advancements in Power Semiconductor Devices
Apart from the above mentioned topics, papers related to Power
Systems, Power Electronics and Drives with high technical
content are also invited.


Call for Papers

PPT Topics

Challenges in deregulated Power Systems
 Smart Grid, Smart Metering
 Renewable Energy Sources
 Artificial Intelligence Applications to power Systems
 Power Electronics
 DSP / Embedded systems for Electrical Drives
 Intelligent controllers and drives
 FACTS / HVDC Devices‐Modeling and Application
 VLSI in Power Electronics
 Advancements in Power Semiconductor Devices


ECE EEE Instrumentation Energy Industrial Automobile Design

Related Links:

Sixth National Conference on Technological advancements in Power Systems and Power Electronics Engineering TAPSPEE 2017 Easwari Engineering College Chennai Tamil Nadu April 2017 Conferences Conferences in Tamil Nadu Conferences in Chennai