Mathuino 2018, PSG College of Technology, Coding Event, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 13th - 14th October 2018

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
13th October 2018
End Date :
14th October 2018
Location :
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
PSG College of Technology
Category :
Coding Event
Mathuino 2018

About Event

Is coding your forte or do you love taking coding challenges? Here comes MATUINO – an event for coding masters. Let your mind run wild and set ablaze the genius in you. An enthralling experience for masterminds! Devise a set of codes for a series of questions. Time counts too, the more problems you solve, the more is your chance of victory.


First round will be conducted in the form of one mark questions. 25 questions will be given and the questions will be in the form of multiple choice questions, identify the given icon, describe the given word in technical terms, etc,,,. The participants should complete the task within one hour from the time of issue of the questions. Depending upon the number of questions answered correctly by the participants, approximately the first 10 groups will be taken to the second round.

Code to connect is again involved in experimenting your programming skills. 1 hour will be allotted and the participants are required to use the Matlab coding to interface the Arduino microcontroller using Simulink. With the help of code, the team must execute the given action and enable the functioning of the particular output display devices like glowing of LED, Running of motor, etc. The given action has to be completed within the specified time.

Event Caption

An Event For Coding Masters



How to reach PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Avinashi Rd, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641004

Related Links:

Mathuino 2018 PSG College of Technology Coimbatore Tamil Nadu October 2018 Technical Fests Technical Fests in Tamil Nadu Technical Fests in Coimbatore