Dev-Savant 2017, VIT University Chennai Campus, 24-hrs App-a-thon, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 15th - 16th April 2017

Registrations Closed
View Event Website
Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
15th April 2017
End Date :
16th April 2017
Location :
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
VIT University Chennai Campus
Category :
24-hrs App-a-thon
Dev-Savant 2017

About Event

About The Event:

Well, a hack-a-thon is a social coding event where computer programmers and other interested people collaboratively code in an extreme manner to improve upon or build a new software program over a short period of time.

They act as forums for networking with top developers and form the basis for beta-testing of new applications and ventures.

While working on a particular project, the idea is for each developer to be have the ability and freedom to work on whatever he/she wants.

With such freedom, participants often come up with innovative models for applications and other suites whilst ensuring their usefulness in day to day lives.

The concept of the hackathon was born out of the open source community. Hackathons are a chance for businesses to pursue employee-driven, out-of-the-box ideas in a low-risk environment.

Problem statement

Problem statement can be from any domain that has a solution using Android platform.


The contest is open to all students and professionals (age less than or equal to 25)






Will provided on request

Related Links:

Dev-Savant 2017 VIT University Chennai Campus Chennai Tamil Nadu April 2017 Technical Fests Technical Fests in Tamil Nadu Technical Fests in Chennai