Workshop on Big Data 16, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, Tamil Nadu, 18th - 19th February 2016

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
18th February 2016
End Date :
19th February 2016
Location :
Kumaracoil, Tamil Nadu
Organizer :
Noorul Islam University
Category :
Workshop on Big Data 16

About Event

"BIG INDUSTRY" event by Techkriti'16, IIT-Kanpur and TechTrunk Ventures Pvt. Ltd. is one remarkable step in involving esteemed Colleges across PAN India as a part of "Bridging Education- Industry Gap". "Skillful Youngsters - Suppressing Unemployment stays the slogan behind it.
*National Level Workshop, Seminar cum Competition on Industrial Technologies-
About Industrial Automation:

Future of the World is Automation! Small, medium and large scale industries, irrespective of their fields, are turning automated in a big way. Efficiency is the term Automation fetches to. Quality and Quantity are maintained in equal proportions when it comes to this big Technology.

About Big Data Analytics and Hadoop:

Big Data and Hadoop is the tremedously growing Technology shaking the world with its immense advantages. When fortune 500 have given big prominence to it, small, medium and other large scale indutries are adoting it to bigger numbers

The vastly heard Facebook has given a big room for the same.

Under the same theme of bringing Educational- Industrial fields closer, we'd like you to be part of this Program.


1. Course content designed& verified by Academic and Industry Experts; Techkriti'16, IIT-Kanpur& TechTrunk Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

2. Experienced Technical/ Industrial Consultants

"If something is added for bonus, it gives more happiness; and thus here it is!"

A free seminar on " Growth and Opportunities in the Current/ Coming days' Industry sector.




- Tools for Big Data Analysis
- Big Data Analysis in Cybersecurity
- Working with Hadoop
- Data Analysis using Pig & Hive
- Storing & accessing data in HDFS
- Working on Hadoop project and many more.....

PPT Topics



CSE ECE IT MCA Telecommunication

Related Links:

Workshops Workshops in Tamil Nadu Workshops in Kumaracoil Kumaracoil Tamil Nadu Noorul Islam University Workshop on Big Data 16