International Conference On IMPact Of E-Technology On US, PESIT, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 10th - 11th January 2014

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
10th January 2014
End Date :
11th January 2014
Location :
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Organizer :
Category :
International Conference On IMPact Of E-Technology On US

About Event

The PES International Conference on IMPact of E-Technology on US (IC-IMPETUS) is an event to recognize and celebrate innovations in the fields of electronics engineering and computer science that have made an impact on society by addressing some challenge. The objective of the meet is to inspire undergraduate students and engineering faculty to focus on what IT engineers can and ought to do best---to take up problems that can be addressed using e-Technology and thus make a difference for the better. The impact areas we are looking at include Agriculture use of sensors to determine soil quality, water purity, recommendation systems for crops, vision systems and robots for harvesting Biomedicine and Healthcare design of assist devices such as hearing aids, software to facilitate telemedicine, prescreening devices, computer aided diagnostics and therapeutics Education design of interactive learning systems, software to help the learning disabled, promote e-learning Environment and Energy green computing to reduce the C-footprint, tracking of flora and fauna to protect endangered species, modeling of ecosystems Rural development innovations in engineering and information technology that have contributed to the connectivity, literacy, health and financial independence of rural populations Governance, Administration and Commerce Innovations that have facilitated transparency, envisage to improve processes and eliminate


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How to reach PESIT, Bengaluru

PESIT Bangalore South Campus Hosur Road Bangalore , Karnataka560100 India

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Conferences Conferences in Karnataka Conferences in Bengaluru Bengaluru Karnataka PESIT International Conference On IMPact Of E-Technology On US