Faculty Development Programme on Research Paper Writing and Publishing in Hgh Impact Journals 2023, MET Bhujbal Knowledge City Institute of Management Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 20th - 24th November 2023

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Offline and Online Mode
Start Date :
20th November 2023
End Date :
24th November 2023
Location :
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Organizer :
MET Bhujbal Knowledge City Institute of Management Mumbai
Category :
Faculty Development Programme
Faculty Development Programme on Research Paper Writing and Publishing in Hgh Impact Journals 2023

About Event

Research is the systematic activity carried out in order to understand the social and natural
phenomena through the theoretical and methodological frame of reference. It is a careful
investigation for gathering knowledge based on new discoveries and hypothetical in nature. It is an
inquiry into the unknown with a systematic way of reviewing the literature, developing a conceptual
framework, collecting data, deriving a mathematicalsolution, and finally presenting our findings or
results in concrete form. Deployment of the theoretical and methodological framework along with
the tools and techniques is a prudent investigation of any phenomena and requires immense
deliberation. This FDP aimsto bridge the gap between theory and practice ofresearch.
• Identifying research gaps and selection of topics.
• Stating the hypothesis and a systematic review of the literature.
• Choosing appropriate Methodologies and methods of data collection.
• Tools for manuscript reading and plagiarism check focusing on referencing style.
• Enhancing Academic writing skills for publication and presentation of our research papers in
reputed journals.
• Awareness about the publication in various Journals such as Scopus indexed, UGC Care List,
and Peer-reviewed journals.
• Developing a cover letter for the editor’s and reviewer’s comments.


• Guiding the research process for enhancing the knowledge of the participants to undertake any research work/project.
• Training of various methods: tools and techniques with specific reference to the contemporary ways of conducting research.
• To enhance the skills and research aptitude while developing appropriate methodologies and theoretical frames of reference.
• Broadening our canvas for adopting various measures for academic writing, proofreading as well as taking up the challenges in and around research activity.
The methodology would include discussion, demonstration, and hands-on experience.
Participants may bring their current working papers for further discussion and clarification.
th th Dates: 20 - 24 November 2023
Venue: Seminar Hall, MET Institute of PGDM, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Bandra Reclamation,
Bandra (West), Mumbai - 400050
Timing: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
The participation fee on non-residential basis covering professional fee, program kit and lunch is
as follows:
Ofine Participants Online Participants
Corporates `2000 per participant `1500 per participant
`1500 per participant `1000 per participant
`1000 per participant `500 per participant
Faculty Members
Research Scholars/Students
The programme is interdisciplinary and is open to all Interested participants. All faculty members
(regular/temporary/adhoc/ guest) and research scholars from any university/college/Corporates
are eligible to participate.
This FDP Programme will be conducted in Hybrid Mode



How to reach MET Bhujbal Knowledge City Institute of Management Mumbai


Certificates will be provided to Participants

Related Links:

Faculty Development Programme on Research Paper Writing and Publishing in Hgh Impact Journals 2023 MET Bhujbal Knowledge City Institute of Management Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra November 2023 Faculty Development Programme Faculty Development Programmes in Mumbai 2023